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Feel with me, not for me…

Feel with me, not for me…

I recently watched a YouTube clip of Brene Brown, and in it she discussed the difference between empathy and sympathy. This is something that really resonates with me of late. Often, I share with people the fertility struggle that we have been going through for the...
To my 20-year-old self…

To my 20-year-old self…

As often happens around birthday time, you reflect on getting another year older. This year I was thinking about how much I love being the age that I am. I often heard growing up that your 30’s are the best years of your life, and I have to say I agree. I have learnt...


Self-perception My sister took a photo of me recently, while we were joking around. She looked at it first and said, “aww I love this photo of you”, she turned the camera to me, and my first reaction was “eww I don’t like it.” I am sure many of us had this exact...
Are you tied to a twig?

Are you tied to a twig?

‘The Elephant and the Twig’ is a story that came about from watching captured infant elephants, tied to a strong tree, one that is strong enough to withstand the baby’s attempts at pulling and trying to escape.  Over a period of time and repeated...
Stand for Something

Stand for Something

I, like most, have had a few experiences of people in my life bringing negativity, drama and causing a lot of hurt and conflict. Because of this I do reflect often on the people I spend my time with, confide in and love. I thought that I would do a few scattered blogs...
No-one is born a great cook, one learns by doing…

No-one is born a great cook, one learns by doing…

During our wedding speeches, there were numerous comments about my lack of domesticity, particularly around cooking; did I know where the kitchen was, did I own certain kitchen utensils, would I give everyone food poisoning etc. At this point my husband did all the...